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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Mess Queen Reigns

I am doing the long-overdue spring-cleaning which should have been done more than 2 months back. Well, I suppose it's alright to do it in April since it is technically still spring time, now that I've all the time in the world.

You cannot imagine how much junk and unidentified objects I've accumulated over the past one year. Actually, I am not quite sure myself, as I am still in the process of uncovering much of it in between TV, blogging and tea-break. Seems like I have to do this every now and then, since my yearly resolution of shopping less and keeping my home neat and tidy had never been fulfilled. Not even once. I have eventually came to terms that I will just have to be Mess Queen for the rest of my life. Title retained for the 28th consecutive year.

My friends, now you know why I never ask you over for dinner.

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